Everything seems to be an adventure in the Hopkins' household. We went up to Aunt Emily's & Uncle Jim's for Thanksgiving dinner, which was delicious as usual. :)
Will enjoyed spending time with cousin Kenny. They both have a shared love of Thomas the Tank Engine and the movie "Cars".

Will enjoyed spending time with cousin Kenny. They both have a shared love of Thomas the Tank Engine and the movie "Cars".

And while Max and I enjoyed spending time with the family, the real "highlight" of the evening involved Christian. Big brother Will got tired and cranky and threw a pool ball at Christian's face. So we ended up in the ER for 5 stitches! I prayed for a nice doctor, and we got a very kind, gentle doctor. He and the nurse were quite impressed with how calm Christian was during the procedure (Mommy was definitely more upset than him!).
Beyond being very swollen and multiple colors of black, blue, and purple, by Friday morning (when these pictures were taken) Christian was back to his normal rambunctious self!

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