We're really hoping to simplify our lives this year. We're going to be doing lots of purging and re-organzing, which I'm looking forward to! As of May 1, I should be a stay-at-home-mom...I can't even put into words how much this is a dream come true for me. I can't wait to be home with the boys full-time. We're very excited about all the possibilities that holds for our family. We're going to start homeschooling with Will this year as well...he's so thrilled about having school and learning how to read. It's amazing to watch him learn and see the little lightbulbs go off in his head. And our big move should happen this summer. We'll know definitely in February, so we're impatiently waiting on the news from Max's work.
We're also going to start doing family and couple devotion and prayer-time. This is something we've been talking about for a while, but we're finally going to commit to it. I'm looking forward to growing closer as a family and to the Lord.
And lastly, on a purely selfish note, not working leaves more time for scrapbooking! ;) I'm making it my goal to create more cards this year. I figure it's doubly-beneficial: making cards uses up my scraps while also letting me finish quick projects. I love instant gratification! :)
I hope your year is blessed, and that the Lord makes His presence very real in your life.
P.S. Because they're already edited, here are a few layouts:

love your new layouts! Hope you have a great year in 2008!