Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Concert Pics + 2011 Plans

As part of Max's 35th birthday celebration, we took the boys down to Jacksonville for the Winter Jam concert this past weekend. Will, of course, was in heaven...he has not-so-secret plans to be a drummer (and just doesn't understand why Max and I won't buy him a drum set!). Christian wasn't so into it; he kept asking if it was time to go home yet. And Andrew had his moments. He wasn't so into the first band, Red, as evidenced by this picture:

However, it got better for him...he was dancing once David Crowder came on the scene. By the middle of the Newsboys though, he was sound asleep. Only a little one could sleep at 100+ decibels!

I had the hardest time getting a picture of Will - this is my best shot and he looks like a deer in headlights!

Will played air guitar and air drums and danced and waved his arms and had a great time. Unfortunately, it was too dark at our seats to get a decent picture. But I hold his joy in my really is remarkable to see the change that comes over him when he's surrounded by music.

I was excited about Francesca Battistelli (love her new music!):

And who doesn't like David Crowder?

Max really enjoyed Kutless:

And of course the Newsboys:

They did a meet & greet after the show, but the line was so long and the boys were so tired, we didn't go through. I did manage to catch a picture (notice the kinda scary looking security guard):

And finally, just because I didn't get a decent picture of my Christian at the show:

I seriously love this kid!

Our next concert is tobymac in April...just so happens to be on Andrew's birthday. :) I ordered our tickets this week (15th row center). Will is ecstatic - he's already counting down!

I started the new quarter at work. I'm still on my hybrid/online course schedule - and I'm very thankful to my dean who allows me to only come in once a week. It's been such a blessing to be home with the boys and still bring in a paycheck each month.

Max and I are working to build a house later this year (unless our dream home comes on the market very soon, but 5 bedroom houses seem to be in very short supply in south GA). Right now I'm doing a slow purge of this house, going through and deep-cleaning/sorting/tossing all our stuff. And then I get embarassed that we have so much stuff...seriously not necessary. But I'm working on it.

And now I need to make a late breakfast for my boys. Their late-night chat fest last night made for a late morning. :)

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